Transport Slemnik is a transport company from Slovenj Gradec in Slovenia, but we are like at home on all roads across Europe with our large volume trucks. We specialize in large cubic volume freight which we transport with Jumbo type trucks no older than two years. Please check the links for more information on our truck park and main destinations.

We offer optimal services in accordance with strict instructions on loading orders, we are reliable and punctual, and our well trained staff is always here to offer the best possible customer care and services.

Company information:

Official name TRANSPORT SLEMNIK d.o.o.
Registry number 6491138000
VAT ID number SI94670374
VAT liable Yes
Transaction accounts IBAN SI56 0510 0801 3770 597 (ABANKA d.d.)
IBAN SI56 3300 0000 7717 311 (Addiko Bank d.d.)


  • Transport SLEMNIK d.o.o.

  • Selovec 54a
  • 2373 Šentjanž pri Dravogradu
  • SI-Slovenia
  • Europa
  • Telefon: +386 (0)8 20 505 82
    Telefax: +386 (0)8 20 505 87